“Make it work, make it right, make it fast.” – Kent Beck

<   About   >

My name is Biruktawit Galoro. I am a front-end web developer degree student at treehouse tech degree. Soon I am going to graduate. I had a great learning experience at treehouse tech degree. Now, I can build a responsive, Well Designed, and Functional website. Scroll Down, And you will see Projects I have done so far.


Screenshot of online webpage
Online Form

This is a responsive, mobile-friendly registration form using a wide variety of HTML form input types and attributes.

Screenshot of Word guessing game webpage
Word guessing game

This project is a browser version of “Wheel of Success”, a word guessing game where players will click letters from an onscreen keyboard to try to guess a random phrase.

screeshot of a web dashboar

This is interactive dashboard for a web application using advanced web techniques including SVG graphics and JavaScript programming.

Screenshot of Employee Directory
Employee Directory

This is API Employee Directory Responsive, interactive Employee Directory using Fetch API. Javascript interactivities had been added.

Screenshot of gallery webpage

This is an interactive photo gallery crated using JavaScript and CSS Grid Layout.
